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Bastelanleitung Jugendschutz ... Welchen Reim Kann Man sich Darauf Machen?!

Bastelanleitung Jugendschutz ... Welchen Reim Kann Man sich Darauf Machen?! von Epubli
von Epubli
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zuletzt überprüft am: 06.02.2024 um 16:52 (der Preis kann sich seitdem geändert haben)
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RECTANGULAR VIEWS “What’s the matter with the artist?!” [Beat(rice) Shucker] Yeah – providing you speak English – you might have asked yourself this odd question upfront. Well, you will have heard of the NSA’s and GCHQ’s GYPSP (Global Youth Protection Surveillance Programme) – right?! CECoYH (Cutting Edge Counterinsurgency on Youthful H#rniness) has introduced a new quality of CL (Computational Linguistics) in operating terms of so-called TSC (Teenage Sentiment Calvinism) by means of S&LTA (Spare and Leisure Time Analyses) as well as AASDM (Abnormal Adolscent Sex Data Mining), CRC (Conspicuous Relationships Classification) and SHSC (Sexual Hot Spots Clustering). Broadly speaking, business people, governmental officials, clericals, parents and their respective vicarious agents face exposure to a viral kind of “f#cking cyber madness” as they perpetually screen the world(–wide-web) 24/7/365 in the name of DPA (Decent People Advisory): Whatever young people do – or don’t – and especially whatever they say – or don’t – could devastatingly harm GBBPPCS&PS (Global Business Best Practices, Political Correctness, State and Parenthood Security). Even harmless words, symbols and sounds could signify demf (dirty evil-minded forces). I thought of fleshing out this ridicule of interpreting „Rubber Duckie your the one ...“ into RDytoi’dltf („Rubber Duckie your the one, I’d love to f#ck“). All illustrations (called “rectangular views”) are made (up) of lines forming basic geometrical images, i.e. triangles and squares. Varying angles would deliver even more rhombic and trapezoid shapes. Why don’t you create yods&ss (your own dirty slicky and sticky shapes). Have fun doing so and ltmbaotw (let the m#therf*ckers burn all over the world)! PS: Ms! (Mainstream sucks!)